Thursday, November 19, 2009

It's me again, Margaret......

Ok, I am telling myself that I am going to get serious about this blogging here goes.

Being over 40 and single...who would have "thunk" it? Certainly not me. This is not how I had my life planned out. By this age I was suppose to have been married for a long time now...enjoying my life.

I never imagined I'd be over 40 and "looking" for the man God has chosen for me. At first, when I started out on this journey I was determined to "find" him. But after months and months of searching....I've decided to stop "looking" and let God handle it. Surprise!!! How many times have we all said that....."Ok handle it...I'm done!!" Only to take it back from Him when we don't think He's moving fast enough for us. I mean c'mon folks...we've all been there, right? Surely I'm not the ONLY ONE willing to admit I didn't think so. I am. Waiting....and waiting....and waiting. Did I ever tell you that I hated waiting? Well I do. I have absolutely no patience. None. Zilch. Zero.

But...the way I figure it...if God could wait on me and my sinful self to come to Him...the least I can do is wait on Him to find me my christian husband. I just hope it's soon...I'm not getting any younger, ya know.

Until next time......tick tock tick tock tick tock.......

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